Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Launch Night. exciting times!

Our grand opening...


In the lead up to the launch party the lovely student advisory group made posters to advertise the ethos of The Arty Place. They then presented them to the eager crowd on launch night!

Monday, 18 October 2010

Our big launch party!

We would like to invite you to the launch party of The Arty Place
On: 2nd November 2010
From: 4pm-8pm 
At: The Frances Bardsley School for Girls Specialist Visual Arts College, Brentwood Road, Romford RM1 2RR

This will be a fantastic opportunity to experience this new project and be part of this exciting initiative right from the beginning. Among other exciting activities on the evening there will be a presentation of posters advertising the ethos of the space created by The Student Advisory Group along with the opportunity to view the Salford 'Zine Library collection which we have the privilege to be hosting as part of our initial project.

The Arty Place is a newly renovated building on the site of the school and will have a dual function. For 3 days a week it will be a youth centred creative space designed to provide additional support for young people.
The Arty Place will offer a planned programme of creative activities designed to aid and enhance personal and social development by following the key principles of participation, connection and empowerment.

For the other 2 days it will be open as a cafe for visitors to the school’s on site Visual Arts Centre, serving teas, coffee and other nice and tasty things. The Visual Arts Centre is a purpose built modern public art gallery and workshop space. Since opening in June 2006, The Visual Arts Centre has exhibited work by many different British and International artists including David Hockney, Peter Blake, Ya-Africa and Hawa groups of Nairobi, Salvador Dali and most recently Lee Miller. The space is also continuously used by local schools and artists and is fast becoming a hub for Visual Arts within the community. 

Please contact Denise Hickey on 01708447368 or via email on dhickey@francesbardsley.havering.sch.uk for any further information.

We look forward to seeing you here!

What a difference a week (or two) makes...

we are nearly there, exciting times.

look, windows and doors and everything!

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Some pictures

Here a few pictures I took of the site last week. The building is a little further along now- I'll have to sneak out later when the builders aren't looking a get some up to date ones but these will have to do for now...

Thursday, 23 September 2010

The Arty Place. Its taking shape!

Welcome to our new project. We are currently renovating a couple of old out-buildings on the site of our school to create what we have lovingly called

The Arty Place will be a space for:
And of course, tea and cakes. Yum.